Saturday, July 29, 2017

For Tomorrow 7/30 - Lily's Would-Have-Been First Birthday

After our visit to All Saints in Des Plaines, we will head to Montrose Harbor. I completely realize that just saying "Montrose Harbor" is kinda like saying "come hang out with us in the city"...Here's a geotag of approximately where we will be, at the Harbor.  Note:  As you travel East on Montrose, go all the way INTO the harbor, driving past Lake Shore Drive, keep driving until you see Montrose open up; where 1 way you'd hit the beach (left), the other way (right), you'd begin going down the actual boat harbor.  Go all the way around until you can see that lighthouse and the downtown skyline jutting out onto the water.  Here's the geotag below and a view of (sort of) what's in front of where we'll be.  Look for a canopy...and a gathering of peeps.  There's PLENTY of parking all over the harbor and actual public bathrooms right across from where we'll be:

(see below for what the view is from where we'll be.  excuse the horrible blur, my phone camera stopped focusing on far distances...but you get the idea)...

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